Tuesday, March 8, 2011

My MBA Story… So Far!

After completing four months of the twelve month SPJCM GMBA program, I thought it would be useful to share my learning so far. The program is a once in a life time experience; each term goes like a season of super hit television serial, and leaves behind a lot of learning on your plate.
#1: Learn to take chance
The most important thing I learnt is to take a chance. Initially during the classes, I was sceptical about raising hand to give answers. But, now I put my hand up during class even when I am unsure of how ridiculous my answer will sound; because there are always chances that 1/3rd of the class is thinking the same thing! Don’t worry about your ego being bruised; a wrong answer is just as valuable as a right one. Challenge yourself to figure out how you can help your peers and make a positive impact in the class. Be there for your colleagues when they need you most, and share your talents and gifts; doing so will earn you respect and increase your influence in the classroom.
#2: Learning is important- not grades!
In a class full of people dying to get good grades (good grades can lead you to Dean’s list) it is all too easy to fall into the trap of being competitive with one another and to lose sight of long term picture. The power of an MBA lies in the learning and not grades. It is often said the true importance of an MBA surfaces many years down the road when you are more likely to leverage your network. The real competition is not with the 48 people doing MBA with you but with 4, 80,000 MBA students around the globe. The real experience is when you do your best to promote a collaborative environment where helping each other is a common practice. It’s surprising how helpful my class colleagues have been, and I’m finding that the more we help each other the more that behaviour gets encouraged.
#3: Manage the time your way!
A one year GMBA program is so intense that is can get your ass burning at times. So the first thing to develop is a sense of time management. We face the real pain especially at the start of the program when we are learning to get on our feet with respect to how to study and manage our time. Be sure to pace yourself and to give yourself a break once in a while. Although it is tough to avoid, don’t worry so much about the number of hours your colleagues are putting in; have faith and concentrate on being yourself (the same person that got you into the GMBA program).
#4: Stay healthy, keep fit
Expect to have tough weeks with little sleep, and expect to get stressed at times. There are times even you see the sun setting and rising while working on an assignment. I’ve seen many of my fellow students adapt to the MBA life in both positive and negative ways. I’ve found that getting a good amount of sleep and playing, jogging regularly is a key to stay healthy and fit both from a mental and physical perspective. Leading a healthy lifestyle will help you keep your immune system up at those critical times.
#5: The Sandwich Model and the Diversity
The SPJCM GMBA follows a sandwich model wherein each session is divided into two lectures and a work-application time in between to work on problems and case studies.  Coming into a classroom of accountants, engineers, salesmen, media, entrepreneurs and others is stimulating to say the least. As we discuss and debate a case in the classroom, expect to hear many different and diverse perspectives on issues. Have an open mind to what others are saying. Listen hard and you’ll find yourself learning from your peers and thinking in new and unique ways. This is the power of diversity with the sandwich model.



  1. Wow!! Buddy your story is quite innovative put it in a creative spicy way.Liked it!!

    -Manu Shukla

  2. Looks like you don't need to attend Singapore campus. As you have emerged as a professional MBA. lol.

  3. Hey Mudit,
    Nice to read this blog and more even good to see that you had been the part of such a wonderful journey. Keep learning.!!
    Best of Luck..:)
